Commercial // The Unacceptable Cost of Failure
Whether caused by malicious attack, or innocent human error, cyber security breaches are the number one issue keeping CEOs awake.
But despite the horror headlines and costly reputational harm, obligations around data handling of personal and sensitive information remain vague and remain poorly understood, even by in-house legal teams, let alone those employees collecting and handling customer information day to day.
In the latest webinar from Law Squared, cyber security consultant and Phronesis Founder, Elliot Dellys, and Law Squared Privacy Lawyer, Jon Crass, offer comparative views on the steps in-house legal can take to ensure personal data is protected, and the unacceptable cost of failure.
This 30 min session, hosted by our own Katherine Boyles, covers:
+ An overview of the fast evolving cyber security landscape and areas of greatest risk for in-house legal
+ Legal vs. cyber perspectives underpinning data protection regulation
+ Common areas of misunderstandings in The Privacy Act 1988:
+ What do “reasonable steps” really mean for businesses? And to whom do they need to be reasonable?
+ Practical tips for data handling procedures
Listener Outcomes:
This Privacy + Cybersecurity webcast is a must watch for General Counsel, CIOs, in-house lawyers and risk professionals.
After watching the webcast, viewers should be able to:
+ Identify and navigate key legal obligations throughout the personal information lifecycle: from collection, through to use, disclosures, retention and a data breach
+ Feel confident in-house legal are meeting the minimum standards required to ensure compliance with The Privacy Act 1988
+ Understand the challenges digitisation poses for the legal environment
+ Be equipped with actionable tips for improving data handling practices in your business
+ Resolve common misunderstanding and misinterpretations of the Privacy Act 1988