Law Squared launches Digital + Innovation practice group, supporting future-fit legal teams  

Human Centred law firm, Law Squared, has expanded its business offering this week, launching a Digital + Innovation practice group.  

The new venture will sit alongside its Corporate + Commercial, Employment + Workplace Relations and Disputes + Litigation teams and is a natural extension of the Law Squared ethos to create flexible solutions for clients that drive business outcomes.  

Law Squared Founder + Director, Demetrio Zema, said the launch is in direct response to shifting C-suite expectations of in-house legal teams and advancing technologies which create opportunities for legal teams to deliver enhanced strategic value to their businesses.  

High performing businesses expect their in-house legal teams and General Counsel’s (GCs) to be more anticipatory, data-backed and to provide input on corporate strategy at the highest level,” Demetrio said.  

The Digital + Innovation practice group aims to support legal teams seeking to deliver on these expectations by helping them to optimise legal operations and embrace emerging technologies.  

“Most legal teams are bogged down by process-driven compliance work and few GCs have the bandwidth – or technical expertise - to prioritise and execute digital transformation programs within their team,” said Demetrio. 

Optimising Legal Operations and Technology is a significant efficiency enabler, he said, freeing up capacity - and delivering the necessary data - to support the higher value legal insights businesses now require.   

Leveraging Law Squared’s first-hand experience

Law Squared has confirmed these benefits first-hand, with the firm rethinking how legal processes are managed and setting new industry standards globally for innovative use of emerging technologies over its seven-year history.  

“As a leading NewLaw firm globally, we are continuously pushing our digital maturity to deliver a more positive, human centred experience for our lawyers and clients,” said Demetrio.  

“Clients will now be able to leverage this experience in designing, selecting and implementing leading edge legal processes, tools and technologies that are fit for purpose rather than off the shelf solutions without real insight into what are the best systems and processes for their team and key stakeholders,” he said.  

Noisy legal tech market can be overwhelming

Demetrio acknowledged the legal tech market can be noisy and overwhelming: “GCs rarely have the experience to navigate this complex market and need a partner who brings product and sourcing knowledge, as well as a deep understanding of the legal services lifecycle both internally and externally. With so much noise in the market, we are here to provide guidance and support to our clients in identifying and implementing solutions that fit their business's needs”  

The new practice group is headed by former ANZ Enterprise Product Manager and Legal Operations specialist, Nam Truong, who has also been responsible for leading Law Squared’s own digital transformation over the last 12 months and its future technology roadmap.  

“Nam has been an integral part of this journey and we’re excited to share our knowledge and learnings with clients to better equip them and their teams to leverage the right technology solutions for the future ” said Demetrio.   

The Digital + Innovation practice group launches with a suite of three services offerings:  

Digital + Innovation Service Offering

  • Legal Operations + Technology Roadmap  

  • Legal Operations Solution Design 

  • Legal Tech Implementation Support  

The service offerings are tech agnostic to provide GCs and legal teams with the clarity and confidence to invest in legal operations processes, tools and technologies that are fit-for-purpose and will deliver on their specific business needs.  

Consistent with Law Squared’s approach to legal services delivery, all Digital + Innovation services are provided on a fixed fee basis giving clients full transparency and control on their investment from the outset.   

Find out more

Find out more about Law Squared's Digital + Innovation offering here or reach out directly to Nam Truong or Demetrio Zema.




Law Squared celebrates 6 months since London launch!


Rethinking legal operations and technology starts with empathy